美術家、Franck Bragigandが、’06年12月、大阪に滞在し、浪速区にある公園と小学校の遊具をペイントしました。このブログではその制作過程を日々報告しています。
20 dember 2006
- 2006/12/20
- category: report in English
well, tonight, i'm so tired. i even didn' had time to writte for the blog, there was so many things to resolved, so many details not to forget, so many things to do..but today, i 'm happy, it' s finished. just one layer of paint tomorrow on the slide, and final point . what a project!!what a story! what an amaizing painting to realise! what an amazing shity weather! what an incredible big amount of assitants! and so on..everything was oversized...also the amount of work i had to deal with. .but the result is here, the people living around are happy, really, they say it to us. people of the city also..and we are happy as well. we can now,..sleep......
tomorrow i will add some pictures, now, i want to have my last barbecue. one my favorite food here. hey guys! we are going to eat now...!!!
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- report in Japanese
- report in English