Urban Concern - OSAKA II - art in the city - BreakerProject.net


美術家、Franck Bragigandが、’06年12月、大阪に滞在し、浪速区にある公園と小学校の遊具をペイントしました。このブログではその制作過程を日々報告しています。

project data

3.december 06.Franck Bragigand back in Osaka

img06120003_1 img06120003_2 img06120003_3 img06120003_4 yes, here i'm again, so far away from my country land ans still feeling almost at home in the nice surrounding of the Remo. Invited for the second time in Osaka for my Breaker project ' urban concern 2 '.
It's now about one school to take care about and a public park. The elementary Nitto school and the Aizen park. Tomorrow we start with the school, everything is already prepared, the japanese are always extremely professionnal.
Like in Nagaokakyo, where I just come from. I spend there 4 weeks for another wonderfull project in the art and design university. I made an exhibtion in the space B and a children playground restored / painted in a public park. Everything went well, helped by the students and Mr Ayoma Masaru, the curator of this project. In the gallery, we painted some material coming directly from the university, leace them in presentation or stored, as they would be on another location. That's what I did with the bike , the table + chair and the wheel barrow, that stayed directly outside on location where i found them. About the swing, I first saw it in a private garden, in a street not far from the school. It was in a really bad state, so we proposed to the owner to paint it as new. They accepted and in the same time, proposed to offer it to another family. their children were adult now and there was no need for them to keep this object anymore. we founded the idea really nice and gentil and the evening of the opening, we found also the new owner of it. In the same time, in a public park, we restored some children playground with 5 different colors. It was a big work, took us a lot of energie and time but with the help and spirit of so many people helping, we were ready in time, always professionnal the japanese....it was a marvelous time in Nagaokakyo and I'm thankfull to everybody involved in this big project.
But now, i's another story and when I see the amount of work we have to do till the 22 december, I'm getting a bit skared, it' judeje but we will be in time, like always with the japanese!

Franck Bragigand(フランク・ブラジガンド)

1971年生まれ。オランダ/フランス在住。1990〜1995年、エコール・デ・ボザール(フランス国立高等美術学校)で学び、1997〜1998年、オランダの国立ライクスアカデミー(2年間のアーティストインレジデンス)に滞在。その後、オランダ、ベルギー、フランスなどヨーロッパを中心に活動。自らをrealistic painterと定義するブラジガンドは、新たな作品としてモノを作るのではなく、現実の社会に実在するもの(古くなって用途が失われたものなど)をペイントすることで再生させ、それぞれの特異性や魅力を引き出すという活動を展開している。オランダのデザインをリードするDroog Designのオフィス全体もペイントするなどデザインや建築とのコラボレーションも多い。2004年、大阪にて滞在制作を行い、路面電車(阪堺電車)と恵美須町駅をペイント。long interview [log-osaka]

Urban Concern-Osaka II


  • 実施期間:大阪市立日東小学校 2006年12月4日(月)〜6日(水)
         愛染公園      2006年12月6日(水)〜20日(水)
  • 協力:大阪市立日東小学校/逢下振興町会/愛染公園愛護会/大阪成蹊大学(順不同)
  • 助成:(財)地域創造/大阪ガス“小さな灯”運動
  • 主催:新世界ブレーカープロジェクト実行委員会/大阪市/(財)大阪都市協会
  • 企画:雨森 信


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